Hernan Rosas
Hernan Rosas is a doctoral student in Urban and Regional Planning and Design at the University of Maryland-College Park in the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. He is a research assistant in the Brain, Architecture, and Virtual Reality (BRAVR) Lab, a collaboration between the Department of Architecture and the Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN) Laboratory housed in the Department of Psychology. His research broadly focuses on the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the human experience of the built environment. He is also a published researcher and collaborator with the Human Architecture and Planning Institute (theHAPI.org). His primary advisor is the Department of Architecture Chair, Dr. Mohammad Gharipour, with mentorship from affiliated faculty member, Dr. Edward Bernat from the Department of Psychology.
Hernan is originally from Northern California where he completed his B.A. in Cognitive Psychology from UC Berkeley. He also completed an M.Arch from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He has professional experience in city planning, urban design and architecture. He currently works as a lab instructor for courses in the department of Psychology.