Matthew Lagomarsino
Executive Committee Member, reACT ThinkTank
Systems Ecologist
2017 Solar Decathlete
Matt Lagomarsino, 26, is a systems ecologist, artist, and entrepreneur from Baltimore, Maryland. In 2018 he received a Bachelor of Sciences from University of Maryland with a degree in Ecological Technology Design. He has helped lead several award-winning transdisciplinary projects that strive to create measurable ecological and social benefits, including reACT (2017) and Ripple Project (2020). As the Communications leader for Ripple Project, Matt is currently working to transform this volunteer project into a viable business venture to cultivate off-grid communities that ripple outward native biodiversity and help people tap into their innate ecological wisdom.
Iconic Projects (Flickr Album)
B.S. Environmental Science & Technology - Concentration: Ecological Technology Design
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland