Peter has a PhD from the University of Maryland (UMD) Marine, Estuarine, Environmental Sciences (MEES) program. He has more than 30 years of experience in the environmental sector and has an expert knowledge base in the ecological sciences working in applied restoration projects in municipal, state and federal government, NGO’s and the private and academic sectors. He has a comprehensive background in urban ecosystems integrating the built environment using novel ecotechnologies and natural systems restoration approaches while quantifying nutrient, sediment and carbon reduction loads. As a current researcher with the Algal Ecotechnology Center he has collaborated on converting algal biomass into several forms of biofuels. He has applied his skills to numerous projects throughout Maryland in Baltimore and Washington, DC, New York City, Philadelphia, Houston/Galveston, Phoenix, Portland and the San Francisco/Bay areas and recently with efforts in the cities of Niteroi and Rio de Janeiro and the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These projects have involved applications of novel ecotechnologies as well as tidal wetland restoration planning, design, implementation and monitoring, stream and forest restoration, watershed management and building to neighborhood to city scale low-impact development projects in urban areas. Peter has been invited to serve on expert panels for EPA as well as travel to advise on development projects in Africa, South America and the Caribbean. He has a strong academic and applied background in the emerging fields and philosophies of ecological engineering, embodied energy analysis and environmental accounting. Peter was the faculty lead for water and living systems in the UMD 2017 US Department of Energy Solar Decathlon entry reACT (resilient Adaptive Climate Technology) winning second place overall and first of all US entries. He is currently an Assistant Research Professor at UMD’s Department of Environmental Science and Technology and Affiliated Faculty in the Landscape Architecture Program as well as Adjunct Faculty at the University of the District of Columbia’s College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences.