Qianyao Si has been a PhD student at the Environmental Science and Technology Department, University of Maryland, College Park since 2020, with research interest in urban ecology and ecosystem services. To be more specific, in the assessment and evaluation of the function of green infrastructure and stormwater control managements,such as contaminant removal and runoff reduction, and their impacts on the natural water bodies over time and space in the urban settings. Currently, Qianyao is working with Dr. Hendrick as a part-time graduate research assistant on using IoT technology to monitor the quality and quantity of the stormwater runoff on the university campus.
Before devoting into the PhD career, Qianyao completed her masters in Soil and Water Science with the direction of urban water quality at the University of Florida (2020) and Forestry B.S. in China, Shandong Agricultural University. During her masters, she worked as a graduate research assistant and focused on analyzing the N cycling in the detention basins in urban areas along the hydrological gradient.