Image via Photo by Tommy Kwak on Unsplash
The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) conducted a study in 2013 documenting the substantial improvement in dissolved oxygen (DO) from Philadelphia, PA to Wilmington, DE. This study of existing uses in Zones 3 and 4 and the upper portion of Zone 5 documented the water quality with respect to supporting resident and anadromous fish species. Resolution 2017-4 includes the further study of fish propagation as a designated use in Zones 3 and 4 and the upper portion of Zone 5. As part of the process prior to rulemaking for designated uses, DRBC is conducting a study to determine the attainability of potential DO criteria in the three zones (“analysis of attainability”).
The EFC is providing analysis and technical support for an evaluation of the social and economic factors affecting the attainment of aquatic life uses in Water Quality Zones 3 and 4 and the upper portion of Zone 5 of the Delaware River Estuary as described in Resolution 2017-4. EFC staff will provide affordability guidance information, hold regular meetings for project review, and a technical review of the analysis.
For more information, see DRBC's Aquatic Life Designated Use Study: The Next Chapter in Delaware Estuary Water Quality Improvements.
Zone Map
