3835 Campus Drive
Architecture Building (145 ARC)
College Park, MD 20742
United States
This event is open to the public
Speakers: TBD
This event will also be available on livestream.
Architecture, historic preservation, urban planning, real estate development, and related disciplines have contributed to historic harms that have brought disenfranchisement to low-income communities and communities of color. Through racist regulations, urban renewal, freeway construction, segregated community design, and toxic mortgage lending, to name a few, these disciplines have been complicit in gentrification-induced displacement, classist and racist segregation, and environmental damage, incurring slow violence on individuals, communities, and ecosystems. Against this backdrop, returning to a more community-oriented, ecological, and caring ethos motivates many professionals to change the practice paradigm. How are the design disciplines transforming their ways of the past, purposefully embracing healing, and creating other worlds? How can healing sustainably supersede slow violence through planning and design?