RESCHEDULED: MAPP+D Alumni Summer Networking

RESCHEDULED from August 5 to September 9:

Meet fellow MAPP alumni to celebrate (the end of) summer and network with a happy ho

TOD and the Purple Line

Transit-Oriented Development/Urban design studies and proposals for three Purple Line sites: Lyttonsville, Adelphi Ro

Diagramming Multispecies Cohabitation

This 3-credit course, taught by Michael Ezban, Clinical Assistant Professor of Architecture in Spri

Livestock Teaching Pavilion at the UMD Campus Farm: Design for the Farm of the Future

In Spring 2022, nine architecture graduate students were challenged to design a new Livestock Teaching Pavilion for the Uni

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations at Maryland State Parks

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources initiated this project as they were in need of visualizations of the deleterio

AgroEcology Innovation District: Agricultural Urbanism at the University of Maryland

In Spring 2022, nine architecture graduate students were challenged to design a new AgroEcology Innovation District at Nort

Adapting Assateague: Design Strategies for Resilient Buildings and Landscapes at Assateague State Park

Adapting Assateague was a graduate-level architecture course that was offered in the Summer of 2021

University of Maryland Campus Multimodal Transportation Interaction and Conflict Study

The University of Maryland does not currently have any dedicated bicycle lanes on campus yet permits a variety of modes of transportation on its ca

Lindsey May named Associate Dean of Academic Affairs & Strategic Initiatives

Lindsey May, a clinical assistant professor of architecture and assistant director of the architecture program, has been na

Alumni & Friends Reception, AIA Chicago

University of Maryland School of Architecture, Plan