Montgomery County Stormwater Outreach

With support from the Chesapeake Bay Trust and the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Fund, the EFC is providing stormwater education and outreach to residents in Montgomery county, Maryland. To date, the EFC has worked with five communities: McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association, Wheaton Hills Civic Association, Glenmont Forest Neighbors Civic Association, Rosemary Hills Neighbors Association, and Parkside Condominiums Homeowners’ Association.  EFC is working with communities to address issues such as pet waste management, litter reduction, and pesticide reduction. EFC has hosted two Stormwater Summits for Homeowners, in which attendees learned about stormwater basics as well as Montgomery County’s stormwater initiatives and how they can benefit from the County’s RainScapes program. Attendees also had the opportunity to connect with local watershed groups and service providers through presentations and educational tables. The end result is the development of a Stormwater Action Plan for each community that focuses on identifying and prioritizing community issues and connecting residents with the tools and service providers needed to facilitate action.      



Montgomery County

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